Notice of Application for Consent

Please take notice that the Council of the Township of Schreiber intends to pass a Bylaw to adopt the 2021 estimates of revenues and expenses for the 2021 budget year.
The 2021 Budget Bylaw will be considered at a Public Meeting to be held at 3:30 pm Friday, September 17, 2021 in the Municipal Complex Council Chamber located at 204 Alberta Street, Schreiber, Ontario during the Special Council Meeting.
A copy of the proposed Bylaw may be examined at the Municipal Office, 204 Alberta Street, Schreiber, Ontario. Please contact the Treasurer, Marlene Bottomley, should you have questions regarding the Bylaw.
A letter outlining your comments may be provided to the Clerk prior to the meeting. Your name and address are required to be included in the letter. Letters will be read at the meeting.
Please forward your written comments to:
Nathan Dias
PO Box 40
204 Alberta Street
Schreiber, Ontario
P0T 2S0
Or email cao@schreiber.ca
Dated: September 10, 2021
Nathan Dias

Schreiber Investment Attraction Plan Survey
The Township of Schreiber has begun to work with the consulting firm – CQNS – to assist in the development of an Investment Attraction Plan for the Township to secure the growth and sustainability of the local economy. Phase 1 of the project includes an analysis of Schreiber and the greater regional economy, examining the main economic indicators, demographic trends, labour market, employment statistics, business patterns and exporting activity. It will also consider long term trends and forecasting. Existing long-term plans of stakeholders and community partners are being reviewed to understand opportunities, issues and shared interests. As such, Bill Elliot (Economic Development) and Terry Dow (Tourism) of CQNS would like to ask members of the public and/or local businesses to complete the survey that they have created.

Appointment of Kevin Mullins into the Office of Mayor
The Township of Schreiber is announcing the appointment of Kevin Mullins into the Office of Mayor. Mullins was elected to Council in the 2018 Municipal Election and served as Deputy Mayor over the past two years. Mullins holds 39 years of experience as a former Township employee and returned back to the Township through public service to pursue his love for Schreiber and its residents.

Mayor Dave Hamilton
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Mayor Dave Hamilton. On behalf of Council and municipal staff, we would like to express our sincere condolences to Dave’s wife Shirley and family. Dave was dedicated to serving the residents of Schreiber with a tenure of 6 years as Councillor and 2 years as Mayor. He will be remembered for the virtues of his leadership, wisdom, kindness and hardworking resolve in ensuring the best for his community. He will be truly missed.

Schreiber Budget Survey 2021
The Township of Schreiber would like your feedback for our 2021 budget.
If you would like to participate, please fill out the survey shown below.

Remembrance Day Ceremony 2020
The ceremony streaming link:
Due to Covid-19, Schreiber Legion Branch 109 in conjunction with Dominion Command will be making changes to this year’s Remembrance Day Ceremony.
To ensure the safety of everyone, there will be no parade. Spectators are discouraged from attending. Wreaths will be laid prior to the ceremony, with acknowledgment of preplaced wreaths being posted on the Schreiber Legion Facebook page. The luncheon normally held after the ceremony is cancelled, as well as, the annual Veterans Dinner.
Wreaths can be ordered by contacting Gary Marsh at 824-2441, or e-mail at gamarsh@sympatico.ca.
Even though this year’s ceremony has changed, the Legion encourages the residents of the North Shore to stop and take two minutes of silence at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month to remember the sacrifices made by so many.
Lest We Forget

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Schreiber passed By-law No. 39-2020 on the 27th day of October 2020, under Section 34 of the Planning Act. A keymap is not provided because the proposed Amendment affects all private land in the municipality.
Explanatory Note:
- This By-law applies to all private land in Schreiber Township.
- The purpose of the By-law is to assist existing lots of record with lesser lot area and/or frontage than required by the Zoning By-law to increase in size, without triggering a variance, even if they continue to remain substandard after a lot addition consent or merger with another lot.
- A statutory Public Meeting was advertised then held on October 15, 2020, to review the draft By-law. No written or oral objections were received.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal respect of the By-law by filing with the CAO/Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Schreiber not later than November 23, 2020, a Notice of Appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection, together with the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal filing fee of $300.00 made payable to the Ontario Minister of Finance. Forms and other information respecting appeals to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal are available at:
Only individuals, corporations or public bodies may appeal a zoning by-law to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. A Notice of Appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association orgroup. However, a Notice of Appeal may be filed in the name of the individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf.
No person or public body shall be added as a party to the Hearing of the appeal unless, before the By-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the Council or, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
Notice of Appeal, including the filing fee and reasons in support of the objection to the By-law, must be submitted by the date set out above in order to constitute a valid appeal. Failure to submit a complete Notice of Appeal or the fee of $300.00 or both, on or before the date set out above will result in an incomplete appeal application and will not be processed further.
More information is available for review at the Schreiber Township offices during regular business hours or phone 807- 824-2711. A copy of this Notice, email links, and additional information can also be found on the Schreiber Township website www.schreiber.ca
Nathan Dias, CAO/Clerk Township of Schreiber
204 Alberta Street, P.O. Box 40 Schreiber ON P0T 2S0
Dated at the Township of Schreiber, this 3rd day of November 2020.

Halloween Costume Contest
The contest has 6 age groups:
- 5 years and under
- 6 – 10 years
- 11 – 15 years
- 16 – 18 years
- 18 and older
- Family
Costumes will be judged by the Recreation Committee and prizes will be awarded to 1st place in each division. Winners will be announced November 3rd on Facebook and on the website.
5 years and under
Aria Mineau Everly Carlino Hailey Mineau Quinn Slavin Rhea Cole
6 – 10 years
Caleb & Keira Costa Emeric Deschatelets Nathaneal Moon Naturelle Moon Mikey Mulligan Jackson Figliomeni Jeremie Figliomeni
11 – 15 years

18 and older

Brianna Mayry, Spruce, Brighton & Boston Schintz Family Cebrario Family Kinney Family Koral Lengyel Family Mineau Family