Welcome to the Township of Schreiber Outdoor Ball Hockey League. We provide users with the very best opportunity to enjoy recreational hockey in a fun, safe, and competitive atmosphere. All games have one referee and are recorded on a game sheet. All games are played at the Schreiber Fungrounds (Outdoor Rink)
All games will be 4 on 4 and consist of 3 x 10-minute straight time periods with 5-minute breaks in between each period. Teams will have 10 minutes to warm up. In the regular season, approximately 8 games will be played after which a champion will be awarded based on total of points.
Division B Standings
Team Standings

Player Standings

Division C Player Standings

Division A (4-7) will play every Thursday at 3:00 p.m.
Division C (13-17) will play every Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.
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